Sales Strategy
Motivate Your Sales Force Differently!February 17, 2016 (0 comments)
New York, NY—Doesn’t every retailer wish his/her sales team performed well all the time with no additional effort/expense along the way? Of course that’s the case, but it’s rarely the reality of managing a sales team.
Why not shake things up a bit? Try something other than the traditional motivator: more sales = more money. While that’s certainly the standard, when it’s not working, thinking out of the box can save the day.
From “10 Super Creative Ways to Motivate Your Sales Team,” on, here are three ideas:
1. Reward them with interesting gadgets/games/etc. for the office. One company, Hireology, offered a ping-pong table for work if the sales team met its goal. If you don’t have room for a ping-pong table in your break area, consider chair massagers, basketball-hoop trashcans, or an iPad filled with games that can be passed around for a quick competition.
2. Get moving. Company BoConcept tried a short weekly Zumba class on the sales floor before the store opened. It motivated salespeople by energizing them for the day.
3. Crown their achievements. Toronto Vaporizer uses public recognition as a motivator when a sales rep has an excellent week: they hold an ‘honoring’ ceremony and crown the winner. (You might even have a tiara sitting around from JA’s tiara program!) The CEO finds it keeps a friendly competition going.
Don’t stop at these non-traditional motivators! Knowing what works for your team may mean something silly or strange to outsiders, but having some sort of non-traditional motivation may just increase your sales and boost your employees' morale.
Read the rest of the article here.
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