Sales Strategy
Podcast Offers Diamond Supply And Pricing Guidance For Retailers Going Into Holiday Season October 07, 2020 (0 comments)

New York, NY—Whatever economic challenges have been thrown at retail jewelers in the past 20 years, one thing has been constant and rarely, if ever, a problem: getting what they need when they need it. But this is 2020. And apart from the expected concerns about how the global coronavirus pandemic may impact holiday retail, jewelers also are facing a host of other issues that can impact their ability to serve customers.
GCAL (Gem Certification & Assurance Lab)’s new podcast series, Diamond Profile, seeks to answer these questions with its second episode, featuring two diamond industry leaders, Ronnie VanderLinden, president of Diamex Inc., and Jeff Fischer, president of Fischer Diamonds Inc., both based in New York City.
In the second episode of GCAL’s podcast series, Fischer and VanderLinden discuss issues that will impact the upcoming holiday season, including ongoing supply chain disruptions, new price lists and diamond exchanges, finding viable diamond centers outside of India and, of course, the ongoing natural vs. lab-grown diamond debate. (The first GCAL podcast episode featured executives from Stuller.)
Related: GCAL’s New Podcast Series Starts With Stuller Execs And Key Sales Issues
In addition to their respective companies, both men are respected leaders in the global diamond industry. VanderLinden is president of the DMIA (Diamond Manufacturers & Importers Association), IDMA (Int’l Diamond Manufacturers Assn), and United States Jewelry Council, an umbrella organization of 16 US associations. He is former chairman of the New York Diamond Dealers Club, treasurer of the World Diamond Council, president of the 24 Karat Club; and is a board member of AGS and JVC.
Ronnie VanderLinden
Fischer has served on the board of GIA, as chairman of JVC, as president and now honorary president of IDMA, president of DMIA, and is a founder of the World Diamond Council. He also serves on the advisory board of the Diamond Development Initiative, whose mandate is to improve the living conditions of struggling diamond diggers in Africa, and to help create acceptable standards for artisanal diamond mining. He is also a past president of the 24 Karat Club of New York, and currently serves as the Club’s chairman.
Jeff Fischer
“As with our first episode, GCAL is continuing to bring to the industry real-time information from respected industry experts,” said founder and company president Don Palmieri. COO Angelo Palmieri continued, “We set the bar pretty high with our premier broadcast, featuring two top executives from Stuller. So today, with so much going on in our industry, especially the diamond sector, we understood the importance of offering perspective from industry insiders who are truly tuned in to what’s going on around us.”
Some highlights from the second episode:
- With India, which supplies about 90% of the world’s cut-diamond production, profoundly impacted by the pandemic, are other diamond centers viable alternatives for supply?
- Jewelry and diamonds are one luxury item that is seeing growth. How long will this continue?
- Certain sizes are in short supply at the moment. While less likely to impact small to middle independent retailers, the majors may have more of a challenge.
- What new trading platforms and price lists have meant for the diamond industry.
- Future podcasts will feature perspectives from retail chains, independents, and online retailers to manufacturers and wholesalers, to media and marketing executives. For more information contact Steve Feldman at 212-869-8985, ext. 119 or email
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