Sales Strategy
Seven Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do In SeptemberSeptember 13, 2017 (1 comment)
Miami, FL—Summer was exciting. I hope you were following me on Instagram because I had the time of my life! So, turning 60 is just not that bad after all. Now it’s “Back to School and Back to Work.”
I am going to start back with my Centurion articles slow and easy, and build as Christmas approaches. So, here we go!
Ok, most of us have been out of school longer than we like to admit, but that doesn’t mean we still don’t see the end of summer as a time to regroup and re-focus, regardless of no longer being a student.
September, like January, usually gives business owners a burst of energy and renewed zeal. You feel more positivity with a renewed sense of optimism. While it’s hard to let go of summer, the early weeks of fall can be an ideal time to look back at the intentions you set way back in the beginning of January 2017. Do not have a panic attack about how few of your goals have been realized, just double down now. Make things happen the way you dreamed they would in your New Year’s Eve hangover haze. I found seven ways to make September your second-chance “January.”
1. Build a vision board, I know we are knee deep in 2017, but it might be beneficial to have an idea of where you’re going long term before attacking a short-term future. Doing this creative exercise first thing in September might help you narrow your focus for the rest of the year, providing you with some much-needed clarity before you dig into the next step on my list.
2. Set new goals for 2017. Oy! So, if you accomplished exactly zero of the things you told yourself you would, back in January, don’t panic there is still time. September is the perfect time to re-evaluate your goals and your progress toward them but make sure your goals are realistic. So, if you stated in January, that you are going to work on social media and marketing five nights a week in 2017, but you only worked on it once in 8 months, you might want to rethink your plan. Tell yourself that starting in September, you will aim to work on social media and marketing one or two nights a week for the rest of the year. For best results keep goals to a maximum of three and make sure they are specific and achievable as well as relevant and timely. If goals are big, divide them into deadline oriented, bite-size chunks. You may also want to find an accountable partner that will keep you on track. I have my husband Joe!
3. Write your goals down. We have all heard this before! But, they say writing your goals down increases your chance of achieving them. They say the increase is 44%. That’s huge! Once you’ve determined the goals you want to achieve between September and year’s end, jot them down. Tell people about your goals. Sounds crazy but I’s true. Sharing your goals increases your chances of success. I personally know this to be true.
4. Book your holiday travel now. You know I love this one! When I tell people I am booked for New Years and next summer they look at me like I’m crazy. I know it’s hard to think about Thanksgiving, New Year’s Eve and other holidays while you’re still enjoying your summer vacation, but it is very cost effective to think about it now. Plus, it gives you something to look forward to and it helps you achieve all the goals you set for yourself as well as giving you a sense of accomplishment and reward. Oh, and don’t forget: you should use ALL your vacation days! It just makes you feel so much better when you take the time to reboot. It will help you to be clear and refreshed when you come back into the workplace.
5. See your doctors. Just get it done! If you wait until fall you will be competing for appointments. It will be another sense of accomplishment, so you won’t have to think about making those appointments, which leaves you to concentrate on your goals!
6. Evaluate your finances. My favorite: yuck! I’m sure many of you blew a bunch of money on your summer vacations but the most expensive time of year is on its way. How will you pay for the end of the year vacations? Now is the time to sit down and figure it out. Tickets will need to be purchased soon. Be creative, use your miles and early timing to get the best deals. Now is also the time to dig into a plan for saving money so you can have a little extra holiday spending money by December 1.
7. Reach out to your network. September and October are said to be fertile months in nearly every business. People get back into work mode. Plus, it is the foundation for our busiest months of November and December for sales. Now is the time to network with other retailers and suppliers. Touch base or set up meetings because you know that come December and January everyone is swamped. We start going to shows and looking at new merchandise. All of this will make it harder than ever to make headway toward your goals. So, take advantage of the NOW to get started on your list. Think of the next month or two as a time to plant your seeds so you can watch them grow into opportunities in 2018 and enable you to start the new year fielding endeavors rather than seeking them out!
It’s good to be back. Thanks for reading! --Andie
Andie Weinman, president and CEO of Preferred Jewelers International / Continental Buying Group Inc., was born with the “Jewelry Gene” working in the jewelry industry since she was only ten years old. Her first job was as a cashier in the opening of a catalog showroom doing a fantastic job even at that tender age. Andie holds a B.A. in musical theatre and a B.S. in marine biology from The University of Tampa. When she realized that seawater and marine biology were not good on her hair and she wasn’t quite good enough to make it on Broadway, the jewelry business beckoned. Andie has picked diamonds, sorted color stones, shot waxes and performed a multitude of jobs in the manufacturing of jewelry. Her negotiating experience and prowess has given her the reputation as being tough but fair in her dealings with vendors. In 2012 the Indian Diamond and Color Association awarded Andie the Prestigious Doyenne Award of the Year.