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Sales Strategy

Stop ‘Clienteling’ And Start Building Your Community |  July 04, 2018 (1 comment)


Tampa, FL—That's my daughter to the right of the sign. The one out front with the pink top and plaid shirt wrapped around her waist.

She had a vision to start a place where women could work out and not feel bad about their body image. She started in her garage (hence Garage Barre) with eight women two years ago, in the small but growing town of Murfreesboro, TN. Today, she has over 1,000 women each week going through her studio.

She didn't Clientele! She didn't send email campaigns, billboards, or radio to try to convince people to join her studio. She didn't capture the contact data of prospects and then call them once a month to come to her studio to attend a "special event." 

Instead, she built her customer community. She made it cool to belong to her club, so to speak. Using only social media (because it is free), she built her community of very diverse women from all walks of life, all sizes, all backgrounds, etc.

Look closely at the photo. Do you see women working out? Do you see perfect beach bodies? Do see expensive brands of leggings? No. 

Can you see the fun that these women are having? Can you see the name on the shirts? Can you see the predominant colors? Yes! 

Read the copy. What is the message? Is it the competitive nature of fitness centers? Is it inclusive or exclusive? 

Lacey, my daughter, absolutely knows her niche! She knows what that niche desires. She knows her "WHY." You can, too. Do these today:

  • First, watch the video below. Click here or on the image below to watch.
  • Go to Starbucks and treat yourself to your favorite beverage
  • Sit there in peace with a piece of paper and a really open mind
  • Think about your personal "WHY"
  • Come up with what you believe your clients REALLY want and it's not just you selling them a piece of jewelry
  • You must first identify your personal "why." Why does my business exist?
  • Respond to this email with your thoughts so that I can help guide you.

Terry Sisco is CEO of Exsellerate, Inc., funny-maker, uplifter, mischief maker, father. Exsellerate has revolutionized retail sales training and made it "entertrainment," given it a millennial voice, made it ridiculously easy to learn on-demand style through social media platforms, and given sales consultants a sense of community, purpose, and the tools to crush their sales. Like us at, call us at 813-787-7355, email at, and visit us at