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Sales Strategy

The Centurion Debuts New “MISSION: SALES” Publication for Jewelers December 18, 2020 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY--At The Centurion, we are planning an exciting new editorial product called MISSION: SALES to launch February 2021 that will be devoted to helping better jewelry store owners and their sales teams reach greater sales success. 

We come to this new concept having published close to 1,000 sales-devoted articles for better jewelers since December 2014 via our online SALES STRATEGY news page and email newsletter. We see MISSION: SALES being a favorite information source among sales-minded owners and team members at better jewelry stores nationwide. After all, who isn't interested in selling more?

We will be publishing the combination Print and FLIPBOOK magazine in February, July and November 2021. Please email us at if you are a jewelry store team member who wants to be sure to be notified when each new edition is available for viewing.

Please CLICK HERE if you provide products or services to the Jewelry Trade and would and would like to be included among the limited number of Advertisers in MISSION: SALES, or feel free to contact Jack Grafing at, (516) 331-5582; or Rolf Ankermann at, (516) 331-5583. Advertising Reservations and Material are due by JANUARY 15 for the first edition of MISSION: SALES.