Sales Strategy
The Secret (Free) Weapon Of Sales Team Success July 30, 2017 (0 comments)

Brentwood, TN--If there were a simple, fast, and free trick that will take your sales team to the next level of success, would you want to try it? Of course you would!
Doubt any such thing exists? Luckily, it does. And not only is it proven to increase sales results, it's so simple anyone, anywhere can use it.
It's the "high-five."
Yes, you read that right: a simple "high-five," done regularly and often, can transform your sales culture. And a transformed sales culture translates to more sales. In this blog from sales consultancy, author Brian Trautschold details how the high-scoring “7 Seconds or Less” Phoenix Suns basketball team of the mid aughts shared more “High Fives” than any other team in the NBA basketball league.
It actually went one level further, says Trautschold: the team’s point guard, Steve Nash, who was the maestro of their offense and 2-time league Most Valuable Player during their successful run, gave out hundreds of high fives per game himself. In doing research for a project at, Trautschold says the team stumbled on two interesting statistics: high-performing teams share six times more positive feedback than others, and 28% of small wins trigger powerful emotional responses in employees.
It doesn’t matter the milestone, he writes. Any small win can be celebrated and have impact. Click here to read the entire article and get more tips.