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Sales Strategy

The Second Driving Force of Selling Superstars |  May 11, 2016 (1 comment)


This is part three in a series of the Science of Successarticles based on research of top performing fine jewelry sales consultants, conducted by Exsellerate, IncClick here to access the free white paper from the research studies.

Tampa, FL--Some call them motivators; others refer to “driving forces.” It is what excites us to action. In fact, these are what compel you to post what you share on Facebook. Do you respond to political posts? Do you post photos of abused animals or hungry children? Something drove you to post that family photo. There is a reason that you are motivated to do so. Facebook has created an algorithm based on your motivators to keep you engaged. (Left: Caitlyn, the friendly dog who was found with duct tape on her muzzle, was rescued by a shelter in Charleston, SC and nursed back to health. She has made a full recovery and is now an ambassador against animal abuse.)

Driving forces are developed from childhood to adulthood based on how we uniquely experience conflict, stress, and pain and also pleasure, joy and satisfaction. The previous article in this series covered the Individualistic driving force which is one of two that our year-long research study indicates compel top sales performers to superior performance.

The Utilitarian Driving Force. The second driving force possessed by most selling superstars is referred to as the Utilitarian motivator. The Utilitarian is driven by practical results, maximizing both efficiency and results for their investments of time, talent, energy and resources. This driving force is the reason that most jewelry stores pay a commission. If you hire Utilitarians and then decide to eliminate commissions, you will watch as sales decline and employee turn-over increases.

The Utilitarian is driven to maximize opportunities in order to create financial flexibility. They look for ways to monetize things and ideas. It most likely first manifested itself when as a child they had a lemonade stand on the curb. They may have found rocks, painted and then sold them. This then morphed as adults into selling jewelry.

Utilitarians love to make money! They value being paid for individual performance. Stress rises when a person’s main drivers cannot be fulfilled. Utilitarian’s often get stressed over wasted resources and materials, inefficient use of time. To effectively communicate with Utilitarians, make certain that you show them how something can be bigger, faster and better.

Interview Questions. The best method to improve hiring accuracy consists of three elements: resume, interview and assessment. Following are interview questions to ask a new hire candidate to uncover whether they possess the Individualistic motivator:

Interview Questions to identify a Utilitarian:

  • How important is efficiency and maximizing resources to you? Give an example when you increased efficiency or maximized resources.
  • How much do you focus on finances?
  • Where would you like to be financially in 5 years? 10 years? Why?
  • What role does earning a significant income play in your job choices?
  • Do you take on a task based on the return on investment or for the sake of getting it done? Why?

Part Four of this series will explain which of the 25 business competencies superstars possess.

To learn more about the science of success, download the free white paper Unlocking the Door to the Behavioral DNA of America’s Fine Jewelry Superstars. This is a year-long study scientifically benchmarking the behavioral attributes of america’s top performing consultants. Simply go to: