Sales Strategy
Types of Retail Sales Promotions and How To Implement Them December 21, 2022 (0 comments)

New York, NY--It's essential to consider the types of promotions before implementing them; for that, it's crucial to know them and how to make them work for your retail business. An article mentions eight different types of sales promotion and how to implement them.
The first is the popular percentage discount. Mike Catania, Chief Technology Officer of, says in the report that percentage discounts are "hands down the most popular." To implement them, Catania says that storewide discounts work best — five percent storewide with few exceptions.
The other type of discount is the "xx dollars off," which might be more relevant for jewelry stores.
The other type of offers that the articl3 mentions are multi-buys and multi-save with conditional promotion. There's also the popular Free Shipping term and try it before buying.
What works best? Test — that's one effective way to know that.
Learn more about these and how to implement them in the entire article.