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Video: How To Dispel Platinum Myth #3, That It’s Too Soft August 30, 2017 (0 comments)


New York, NY--Because of platinum's purity, jewelry sales associates may have been taught--or customers may believe--that it's a very soft metal.

In this video, the third in our exclusive series debunking the most popular myths about platinum, Platinum Guild International vice president Kevin Reilly explains why this is a misleading claim: the “hardness” of precious metals is graded on a scale, and the actual hardness of both gold and platinum will vary depending on the alloys and manufacturing process. Because of platinum’s density (it’s 40% heavier than 18K gold and 60% heavier than 14K), it is the most durable of all precious metals and the reason why it’s the most secure setting for diamonds. 

Platinum does not have “memory,” meaning that when a jeweler bends the prongs over a diamond, they stay in place. Gold has metal memory and it will resist any movement.  Blunt trauma or force could potentially crack a gold prong, whereas platinum will merely bend.  When a jeweler repairs the prongs and bends them back into shape, that action work-hardens the prongs and makes them even stronger. This is the reason why most of the world’s most significant diamond jewelry pieces are set in platinum, and why your customers should feel secure with their diamonds set in platinum.

Click here or on the image below to watch the video.