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AGTA Warns Industry Of Scam ‘GoFundMe’ Emails Using Its Address September 09, 2020 (0 comments)

Dallas, TX—Douglas K. Hucker, CEO of the American Gem Trade Association, has sent a letter to members warning about spam emails requesting money. The requests look like they came from AGTA or one of its members. Hucker says they did not.
Hucker’s letter reads as follows: "Again, some of our members have received emails for a gofundme request, with the subject line "Alan Needs You", to support a sick child, supposedly from one of our members. While tragic if true, this email did not come from AGTA.
These are SPAM emails from unknown sources. We are NOT being hacked, someone is sending out emails that LOOK like AGTA. Make sure any emails you receive have a legitimate "From" email address. Please delete immediately.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office, 800-972-1162. Your membership is important to us. Thank you for being part of the AGTA family!”