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Helen Molesworth’s New Book Explores the History and Mysteries of Gemstones June 27, 2024 (0 comments)


New York, NY--Jewelry expert Helen Molesworth's forthcoming book, "Precious: The History and Mystery of Gems Across Time," offers an in-depth exploration of gemstones' history and cultural impact.

[Image via Penguin Random House]

Scheduled for release on September 17, the book traces the journey of significant gemstones from ancient records to contemporary auctions.

Molesworth shares her experiences and insights from a career spanning over two decades in the jewelry industry, highlighting her progression from an enthusiast to a recognized expert appraising collections for clients like the British royal family.

Per the book's description on Penguin Random House, Precious documents the origins and histories of ten notable gems, examining their roles in different cultures and their paths through places such as African diamond mines and Sri Lankan rivers. The book covers gems associated with historical and contemporary figures, including Cleopatra, Marie Antoinette, and Beyoncé.

Precious is available in hardcover, eBook, and audiobook formats and can be preordered through major platforms like Apple Books and Audible.

Check out the book on Penguin Random House.

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