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More Findings From Plumb Club Study: Pandemic Inspired 1/3 Of Consumers To Buy More Jewelry July 12, 2021 (0 comments)

New York, NY—In addition to learning that retail jewelers’ websites were the leading influencer to drive consumer fine jewelry purchases, the Plumb Club Industry & Market Insights 2021, released last week, showed some positive impact for fine jewelry through the pandemic period. Image: Nina Akin for Pixabay
Related: Plumb Club Study: Retailer Websites Are #1 Influencer Of Jewelry Purchases
While not downplaying the injurious effect of the pandemic on the United States, there is much encouraging data for jewelers pertinent to the pandemic:
- 30% of consumers surveyed said they purchased more jewelry during the pandemic, as opposed to 21% who said that it impacted their purchasing negatively. 49% remained steady at previous purchasing levels over the time of the pandemic.
- Since many stores across the country temporarily closed their brick-and-mortar locations during the pandemic, 72% of the consumers in the study bought jewelry online. Additionally, 39% said that spending more time at home inspired them to buy more jewelry via online platforms.
- With the uptick in remote working and virtual meetings, 41% of consumers were more tempted to wear jewelry that would be seen on the screen during video meetings and online gatherings.
- About two-thirds of respondents said they typically wear jewelry at home. Of those, 44% said they didn’t change their habits, and 23% said they increased their jewelry wear during the pandemic.
- 39% said that they wear rings most often. But when asked about their purchasing categories online, 62% most often purchase necklaces or earrings.
Almost one-third of respondents to the Plumb Club consumer study were inspired to buy jewelry during the pandemic, top, including many more online purchases. Below, two-thirds of respondents will put on jewelry at home, and especially for video calls.
The study was done with the participation of The Futurist, Paola DeLuca, a recognized thought-leader, trend-forecaster and researcher within the luxury industry, with the support of Qualtrics, a quantitative statistical analysis/survey firm. The consumer survey sampled over 1000 men and women ages of 25-60, with a focus on 10 test markets across the United States. Respondents had all attended some college or higher, had a combined household income of at least $75,000/year and claimed to have either purchased jewelry in the past year and/or were intending to purchase jewelry in the upcoming year.