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Touting Personal Stories Spells Success For Texas JewelerApril 10, 2019 (0 comments)
San Antonio, TX—Social media is a great tool, but only when you know what sort of posts work best for your store. The Centurion connected recently with Kelly Wade Frye of Kelly Wade Jewelers, San Antonio, TX about her company’s social media successful connections in her community. She and her crew know exactly what posts work best for their customers. Hint: It’s not always about jewelry—and sometimes it has four feet. (Left, exterior of Kelly Wade Jewelers.)
“One thing we've learned about social media is that our customers love posts that are personal and relatable,” says Kelly. “We get so many ‘likes’ on posts that involve events around town, store employees, and other community members. Of course, people love the shock factor of big diamonds and fabulous pieces, but we've found that our customers often prefer to see posts that lie closer to the heart.”
Above: Interior of Kelly Wade Jewelers. Although the store is a traditional rectangle, Wade's modern carpet, sleek white wall cases, and center island displays give the store a much more modern vibe, and the sales process can be conducted side by side without the counter becoming an us-them barrier.
See Kelly and a four-footed friend below in one of those personal images and a more traditional image from the store’s Instagram account.
Visit Kelly Wade Jewelers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.