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Sales Strategy

‘Capture The Momentum’: Close’s CEO Steli Efti On Setting Up Quality Sales Meetings March 11, 2022 (0 comments)

Steli Efti

Mountain View, CA--A fundamental thing about sales — as pointed out by California-based sales communications platform company Close's CEO Steli Efti — is that you can't win deals your prospects are not willing to talk to you.

And while there are plenty of self-help books and articles written on how to close a deal while selling a digital product or a physical item like jewelry, there's another aspect of sales that might often go unnoticed — setting an appointment. 

"[M]ost sales teams don't pitch the value of the meeting itself," writes Eftin in a company blog post. "We assume everyone knows what a product demo is and why they'd want to spend their time going through one. But why should that prospect give you their time?"

Efti believes that asking someone for their time can go a long way in successfully initiating a sales conversation. "Think about the last time someone called or emailed asking for a few minutes of your time. If you said yes, it was probably because they proved to you the ROI of taking the meeting," he writes in the blog post.

Efti also writes about what goes into setting up a successful sales email. Besides understanding who the customer is, an email to set an appointment needs to be personalized, short and on point, respectful of the prospect's time, and clarity around how it would solve the prospect's most significant issues while telling them what they need to do next. 

Read more on what Efti says on setting up quality sales meetings that convert, in the complete blog post.