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Sales Strategy

Conversion Strategies To Increase Online Retail Sales In Jewelry November 16, 2022 (0 comments)

online sales

Waltham, MA--Convincing customers to buy things online can be trickier than doing so in person. There's ample distraction involved, and the customer is not there with you in person for you to understand their mood and intention. Selling jewelry is even trickier with the involvement of a higher price tag.

[Image via Pxhere]

While selling online is complicated, it certainly does not mean you can't do anything about the process. An article talks about some basic strategies that help improve online stores and customers' user experiences, effectively leading to increased sales.

The article begins by mentioning the importance of sending abandoned cart emails. According to a report, 75% of retail website visitors add items to their cart but do not complete the purchase. Sending emails reminding them of their abandoned cart can be a great way to re-engage them.

The article mentions adding videos to product listings. Videos about products help users engage with content. For presenters, it helps them tell a story and provide an increased understanding of the product and its selling points to the users. Jewelry retailers can use attractive product videos to make the items look even more appealing.

The article highlights the importance of partnering with social media influencers. With influencers being a growing part of social media, channeling their audience reach can be a great way to go niche amid a massive pool of users.

The article also mentions starting a blog, improving the website's responsiveness, using innovative pop-ups, and creating interactive email content. Learn more about these and other points in the entire article.