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Master the Art of Sales Closing: Techniques for Success May 10, 2023 (0 comments)


Cambridge, MA--Closing sales is a crucial moment in the sales process, but many find it nerve-wracking. 

[Image via Pixabay Commons]

In a new guide, Hubspot looks at 17 powerful closing techniques that will elevate your success as a sales professional.

These are 17 effective sales closing techniques, per the publication.

  1. Now or Never Closes

  2. Summary Closes

  3. Sharp Angle Closes

  4. Question Closes

  5. Assumptive Closes

  6. Take Away Closes

  7. Soft Closes

  8. The Alternative Close

  9. The Something for Nothing Close

  10. Unique Offer Close

  11. Opportunity Cost Close

  12. The Test Drive Close

  13. Objection Close

  14. The Video Close

  15. The Columbo Close

  16. The Ownership Close

  17. Offering Competitor Close

Learn more about these techniques in the entire Hubspot article.