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Sales Strategy

What Do Star Salespeople Have In Common? March 02, 2016 (0 comments)


New York, NY—Sales strategies may vary by industry and even within an industry, but there are seven traits that star salespeople have in common, no matter what they’re selling.

Sales expert Wendy Connick writes in that star salespeople:

  1. Are ethical. Always.
  2. Put the customer first. Not their sales quota.
  3. Own their mistakes. And make it right even if it isn’t their fault it went wrong.
  4. Make themselves available: they see the sale as the beginning of the relationship, not the end of the transaction.
  5. Do their homework. They get to know the prospect and what approach to take.
  6. Have a plan. They create their own goals, not just those assigned by the manager.
  7. Are organized. They track their sales and keep on top of everything.

Read the entire article here.

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