Sales Strategy
Why and How To Make Your Retail Store Pet-Friendly January 04, 2023 (0 comments)

St. Louis, MO--Making your business pet-friendly can welcome a whole new section of customers to your store who like going around with their pets. Many might even just stroll into your store with their pet for a little rest from walking.
[Image via Squareup]
This could well be a welcome move as more furry pals are coming to our homes. According to a report, around 23 million households added a new pet to their family during the pandemic. In the U.S., 70%of households own a pet — a staggering number and so much to miss out on with individuals or families strolling with their floofs.
There are other reasons to adopt a pet-friendly approach. According to a survey, 79% of customers value businesses allowing animals inside their premises, with 65% stating that being around pets helps build social connections.
As discussed in an article, the steps to becoming a pet-friendly business start with gearing offerings toward pet parents — an easy way to do that are to keep a bowl of fresh water outside your door. A second step is making payments hands-free and easy — nobody likes to fumble around with cash when they are holding on to a leash; the next thing you know, there's an excited puppy on the loose.
One of the essential steps is providing a safe environment for pets. Avoid toxic plants, unsafe decor, and cleaning products that can harm pets.
Once you have the basics in place, you can prepare your staff for this significant, heartwarming update to your business and even promote this move on social media. Pet parents would love it!
Read more about going pet-friendly in this article.