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WJA Offering Series Of Sessions To Boost Marketing, Negotiating, And Business Skills March 03, 2021 (0 comments)


New York, NY—The Women’s Jewelry Association is offering a series of virtual events designed to help members of the jewelry industry increase confidence, build negotiation skills, navigate social media for brand success, and better business management. Image: Donna Jolly RJ, director of marketing for AGS, who will present a session about social media for brand success.

The national WJA organization has partnered with Negotiable to offer an online training course in the art of negotiation. The online, self-paced training will help participants bargain effectively and confidently. The course includes videos, assessments, worksheets, and more that are easily applicable in everyday situations.
Some of the topics covered in the course include:

  • Learning about the five dramas of deal making
  • Stepping into your counterpart's shoes & gauging their perspective
  • Defining your success, preferences & priorities
  • Identifying smart trades in negotiations
  • Figuring out a Plan B and your limitations

The course is free to WJA members on a first-come basis. Click here to learn more.

WJA’s chapters around the country also offer education. Here are two separate sessions on various business topics. 

On Monday, March 8th at 6:00 PST the WJA Las Vegas chapter is hosting a Zoom session titled Emerging Social Media Trends. Donna Jolly, director of marketing at the American Gem Society, will help simplify the many ways to effectively utilize social media for business and brand success. Attendance is free for members and $5 for guests.

On Tuesday, March 9 at 6:00 p.m. PST, the WJA San Diego chapter is offering a Zoom session titled Building Your Business Series Part One: Logistics and Organization. This sessionwill dive deep into time-saving hacks, software options, security & insurance, shipping, ways to streamline your business processes, and more. Attendance is $15 for WJA members and $20 for non-members.

Registration information for each can be found by clicking the links above.