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Silver Promotion Service Launches Virtual Silver Holiday Market For Industry October 06, 2020 (0 comments)


New York, NY—The Silver Promotion Service (SPS) has launched an all-new Virtual Silver Holiday Market for the jewelry industry to use as a resource. Image: Belle Étoile's "Celestia" Silver bangle, MSRP $495, is one of the many pieces featured in the Virtual Silver Holiday Market.

Inspired by consumer research showing robust silver purchase intention, coupled with canceled industry trade shows, SPS developed the Market as a timely, safe alternative to in-person meetings for retail buyers to browse the newest and best-selling silver jewelry styles, just in time to boost holiday sales. Buyers, media, and sales professionals can also gain access to trend information and consumer research insights, all from the safety and comfort of their own home, store, or office. 

The digital marketplace showcases 22 Savor Silver brands’ latest designs and best-selling styles. Presented as a digital look book, the Virtual Silver Holiday Market also highlights the retail benefits of the silver category and includes key findings from the recent “Silver Lining” consumer survey, which identified robust purchase intent for silver jewelry for holiday 2020. 

Related: SPS Launches Virtual Pavilion To Respond To Consumer Interest In Silver Jewelry

Buyers can stroll the virtual marketplace through a convenient flip book to discover special holiday offers from each of the silver brands and a wide array of silver jewelry styles available for immediate purchase and shipping. Educational information will also be offered, highlighting professional tips on topics that range from merchandising to fashion trends. 

Lika Behar's silver link bracelet with gold retails for $1,830.

“Our consumer research has identified post-pandemic demand, coupled with significant consumer purchase intention for silver jewelry. Based on the success of our recent Virtual Silver Pavilion, we are proud to continue offering retailers a safe and effective tool for exploring the latest silver data and styles, just in time to boost sales this holiday season,” said SPS Director Michael Barlerin. 

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